Say Hello to TiVo®!
- A better TV experience
- Record up to 6 shows at once
- Discover & Watch more
- Unified Search across multiple platforms
- Watch Netflix & more right on your TV
- Available only with Trio and ONE Bundle Plans
The Tivo® Experience
The TiVo experience instantly gives you total control of the TV programming you love, and much more! With six tuners and 150 hours of HD recording capacity (enough for 300 episodes of "Modern Family"), you can say good-bye to recording conflicts!

Your Pass To Limitless Entertainment.
OnePass searches gather every episode of a series available and adds them all right to your My Shows list. Watch a series from beginning to end or start on any episode or season you want.

My Shows
Find. Watch. Repeat.

All of our recordings and streaming videos appear on the My Shows list. The My Shows list includes categories like Kids, Movies, or TV Shows, that make it easy to find what you want to watch fast.
May We Make A Suggestion?
TiVo® is the only entertainment experience that understands what you like because only a DVR with the TiVo® experience keeps track of your programming likes and dislikes, makes suggestions and gives you access to limitless entertainment.
TiVo Suggestions®
You can rate any show — whether it's live, recorded, or listed in the program guide — by pressing the thumbs up or thumbs down
button on your remote. You can give a show up to three Thumbs Up (great!) or three Thumbs Down (terrible!).

TiVo® Suggestions uses these ratings to create a list of shows you might like. The more shows you rate over time, the better TiVo® Suggestions will get at find interesting shows for you.
Tivo® Is All About Pleasant Discoveries
The Discovery Bar
What you'll see in the Discovery Bar depends on you! Often the Discovery Bar displays ideas for shows you might like based on what shows you record and mark as your favorites.
The Discovery Bar also displays lots of other great viewing options: popular shows or sports events that are playing on live TV, items from your My Shows list, TiVo® Suggestions, and more!
WishList® Searches
Finding the things you love is a snap with a WishList search. Have a subject, title, actor or director you're curios about? Just set up a WishList search and TiVo® will search all your programming 24/7/365 and record it for you.
Even More Cool Stuff You Can Do...
Bring All Your Entertainment Together.
Get all your shows, movies, and more from one simple and easy-to-navigate menu. It just takes a click of a button on your remote to enter a world of entertainment at your fingertips.
Seek and You Shall Find!
Only the TiVo® experience offers fully integrated search. No other device instantly scans across all TV programming to find exactly what you want. It's like an entertainment search engine presenting you with a list of great options, so there's almost nothing you can't start watching in seconds.

Search by show title, episode title, show description, or person name. The TiVo® service searches upcoming TV shows and movies instantly.
What To Watch Now

So many channels, so little time! What To Watch Now on TiVo immediately presents you with the programming you most enjoy without surfing channels or browsing a guide. It will help you sort through your viewing options by showing you what's available right now in an easy-to-use format.
Choose from popular TV shows currently airing on live TV, to live sports, to movies, to TiVo Suggestions, and more!
It's Not Fast-forward, It's Quickmode!
QuickMode lets you watch a show 30% faster, while also letting you hear what everyone is saying! No chipmunks allowed. QuickMode is available while you're watching a recorded show, or if you're "behind" live TV (for instance, if you have rewound a show that's airing live). With QuickMode, you get the speed of fast-forward, without missing any of the details.
Hit Record and Never Miss a Show
Recording has never been this easy. With Media Gateway DVR you can record up to 6 shows at a time and over 150 hours of HD recording capacity. To record a show at anytime while watching a program, simply press the REC button on your remote and the show will being to record. To record an upcoming show, press the GUIDE button, navigate to your show of choice, press REC, then select RECORD THIS EPISODE. All recorded shows will appear in your My Shows list. It's that easy!
DOCOMO PACIFIC Whole Home Solution
The DOCOMO PACIFIC Whole Home Solution delivers TV along with streaming video services like Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, and YouTube to just about anywhere in your home!
iHeart Radio
Yahoo! Screen
An eBox lets you access all of your recordings plus streaming content on additional TVs. And the VU-IT! app allows you to stream shows from your DVR to mobile devices, and quickly download shows to enjoy watching when you're away from your home network.

Be In Control With The All-powerful VU-IT! App

Easily stream or download shows to your mobile device using the VU-IT! app. (Bonus: The VU-IT! app also lets you schedule recordings, control live TV, search for shows and more, right from your mobile device!)
- Watch live TV or recorded shows on your mobile device*
- Download shows to take with you on the go*
- Schedule recordings from anywhere
- Browse current listings
- Manage OnePass searches and the To Do List

*Requires compatible TiVo hardware and an iOS or Android device running current software. To stream live TV or recorded shows, your mobile device must be connected to the same home network as your DVR. Some shows cannot be downloaded due to the copy protection assigned to them by the program provider.